As agents, we’re always looking for new technology that augments the real estate transaction. With 3D scans, all properties are accessible to view from anywhere in the world. Buyers will no longer have to physically visit the property and will be able to share elaborate tours with those in their sphere. Sellers are excited to showcase their homes in a fresh and innovative fashion, putting more eyes on the property, drawing more buyers, and ultimately, selling their homes at a more than desirable cost.

224 2nd Street, Oakland, CA

311 2nd St #817, Oakland, CA

311 Oak St #524, Oakland, CA

200 2nd St #414, Oakland, CA

925-927 Santiago, San Francisco, CA

311 Oak St, PH27, Oakland, CA

226 2nd St, Oakland, CA

311 2nd St #512, Oakland, CA

311 Oak St, PH33, Oakland, CA

311 Oak St, PH22 Oakland, CA

479 Los Palmos Dr.